Popular Quotations

● Hey Ram. —Mahatma Gandhi

● Swarajya is my birth right. —Bal Gangadhar Tilak
● Aram Haram Hai. —Jawahar Lal Nehru
● “We have now to fight for peace with the same courage and deter-mination as we fought against aggression.” —Lal Bahadur Shastri
● “……the light that shone in this country was no ordinary light. For that light represented living truth.” —Jawahar Lal Nehru
● Jai Jawan Jai Kishan. —Lal Bahadur Shastri
● Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan, Jai Vigyan —Atal Behari Vajpayee
● Truth and non-violence are my God. —Mahatma Gandhi
● Jan Gan Man Adhinayak Jai Hey. —Rabindra Nath Tagore
● Dilli Chalo. —Subhash Chandra Bose
● And all the men and women merely players. —Shakespeare (As You Like It)
● Sweet are the uses of adversity, which like a toad, ugly and Venomous. Wears yet a precious jewel in his head. —Shakespeare (As You Like It)
● Better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven. —Milton
● Et Tu, Brute ! —Shakespeare (Julius Ceaser)
● Good Government is no substitute for self Government. —Morley
● Death is the end of life, ah why should life all labour be. —Alfred Tennyson
● Full many a gem of purest ray serene, the dark unfathomed caves of ocean bear. —Thomas Gray
● And fools, who came to scoff, Remained to pray. —Oliver Goldsmith
● “…Seditious fakir striding half-naked up the steps of the Viceroy’s palace there to negotiate and parley on equal terms with the representative of the King Emperor.” —Winston Churchill
● “Generations to come, it may be, will scarce believe that such a one as this (Mahatma Gandhi) ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth.” —Einstein
● “Whom the Gods love die young.” —Byron (Don Juan)
● “Necessity is the mother of invention.” —Unknown Latin Proverb
● “For fools rush in where angels fear to tread.” —Pope
● “A single step for a man–a giant leap for mankind.” —Neil Armstrong
● “Thank God, I have done my duty.” —Admiral Nelson
● “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and Sweat.” —Winston Churchill
● “Man is by nature a political animal.” —Aristotle
● “To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” —Issaac Newton
● Eureke ! Eureka ! —Archimedes
● “Let a hundred flowers bloom and let a thousand schools of thought contend.” —Mao Tsetung
● “Frailty, thy name is woman.” —Shakespeare (Hamlet)
● “Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thoughts.” —Shelley (To a Skylark)
● “To maintain a fault known is a double fault.” —John Jewel
● “Beauty is truth, truth beauty”—that is all. Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.” —Keats
● “Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.” —Bacon
● “Knowledge is power.” —Francis Bacon
● “There is no future in any job, the future lies in the man who holds the job.” —G.W. Crane
● “Until the day of his death, no man can be sure of his courage.” —Jean Anovilh
● “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” —George Orwell
● “If it were not for hopes, the hearts would break.” —Thomas Fuller
● “Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to wake mistake.” —Mahatma Gandhi
● “Hate the sin, love the sinner.” —Mahatma Gandhi
● “Facts are facts and will not disappear on account of your likes.” —Jawaharlal Nehru
● “The only alternative to co-existence is codestruction.” —Jawaharlal Nehru
● “History is moving and it will tend toward hope, or tend toward tragedy.” —George W. Bush
● “All great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words : freedom, justice, honour, duty, mercy, hope.” —Sir Winston Churchill
DOs and DON’Ts IN MOBILE PHONE ( Instruction by BSNL)

(A Government of India Enterprise)

·  Please do not click photographs with your mobile phones without permission from the people or authorities concerned. You may be  invading the privacy and possibly indulging in an illegal act.
·  Do not send obscene / pornographic text / images using SMS.
·  Do not send obscene / pornographic text / images using MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service)
·  Do not receive from or reply to SMS / MMS  of strangers.
·  Do not transmit obscene/ pornographic material, as it is an offence under Information Technology Act –2000 which carries a punishment of 5 years of  imprisonment and 1 lakh rupees fine.
·  Do not make calls to the unknown phone / mobile numbers you get while chatting or which are exhibited on various profiles on the Internet. If you do, you may be causing harassment to the other person.
·  Do not keep your Blue Tooth  open at all times-you may receive obscene / pornographic text, images and viruses.
·  Do not give your mobile numbers while chatting on INTERNET to avoid “STALKING”.
·  DO not handover your mobile phone to unauthorised service centres, to avoid CLONING.
·  It has been reported in the press that some unscrupulous elements may contact your mobile saying that they are from government agencies or Service Providers and request you to press #90 or #09.  It is reported that doing so would transfer control of your SIM to the caller.  SO DO NOT PRESS #90 or #09 when asked by unidentified persons.
Note down your IMEI number.
Security pin code should be used to avoid misuse of your mobile phones.
MMSs / SMSs  received should be checked for their source before opening.
Delete all obscene / pornographic text, images, SMS /MMS from your mobile phones which you might have received or stored. Otherwise this may land you in trouble and unwanted embarrassment.
Anti-virus software should be loaded in the mobile phone.
Mobile phone keypad should be locked after every use.
Use your mobile phone only when necessary .

The Importance of Open Communication 
             Open communication is vital in every relationship. Having an open communication between parents and children is one of the best thing in life. Sharing feelings, thoughts and ideas binds them more, strengthens their love and widens understanding though they are apart. It is not too late yet if you are not used to it, you could start practicing good communication with your loved ones today. And, if you are consistent to it definitely everything will follow.
Parents plans and do everything that is best for their children. So, even if they do not ask their children to return the favor for all their cares, their children usually thinks what is best for their parents especially by the time that they are no longer staying with their parents and cannot immediately respond to their parents needs as much as they love to. Elderly care topics like finding the right nursing home or in-home health care and other relevant topics for elderly needs could easily be tackled to parents though they are still on their productive and active age if there is an open communication between parents and children.
Having a great relationship and good communication with your parents with the assurance of your care though you will be miles apart in the future and opening the elderly care topics with them as early as possible will open their minds and let them understand better of their future needs. They could even help you choose of the right facilities for their future needs like nursing homes that offers great nursing home services.

To find a nursing home or a great facility that they could feel at home with while all their needs are being catered is a great achievement not just to children but to the seniors as well. If your parents sense that you care and love them and your plans is for their best, for them to live a healthy, happy and longer lives, these will act as their motivators to be on state that you want them to be and, will love and understand you more. Open communication between children and parents especially when parents are on their senior years is much more needed than any other stages in life, hope everyone will understand its importance.

Courtesy : http://satish24k.blogspot.com/
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How to get Aadhaar?
Posted: 20 Oct 2011 12:03 PM PDT
Registration/ Enrollment of Aadhaar Number/ UID Card

The Aadhaar Application Form Can be downloaded and viewed online at

Residents of India need to visit the nearest Enrollment Camp and need to fulfill some formalities (given below) in order to register for an Aadhaar.
Documents Verification.
Biometric Scanning of Ten Fingerprints.
Biometric Scanning of Iris.
Here are some of the stages of enrollment:

Enrolment Agency Operator
Resident Provides Verification Document
Enroler Enters Resident Data
Resident Validating Data Entry
Capture of Face Photograph
Iris Capture
Fingerprints Capture (Left Hand)
Fingerprints Capture (Right Hand)
Both Thumbprint Capture
Enroler Signing off with his own finger print
Resident Receives Acknowledgment
After these stages, residents will get an Aadhaar number within 20 to 30 days.
The following documents are required while applying for aadhaar UID card.
Proof of name and photo identity: (any one from list below)
PAN card
Ration/PDS photo card
Voter ID
Driving license
Government photo ID cards
NREGS job card
photo ID issued by recognised educational institute
Arms license
photo bank ATM card
photo credit card
pensioner photo card
freedom fighter photo card
kisan photo passbook
CGHS/ECHS photo card
Address card having name photo issued bu department of post.
Proof of address: (any one from list below):
Bank Statement
Post Office
Account Statement/Passbook
Ration Card
Voter ID /Driving License
Government Photo ID cards
Electricity Bill (not older than 3 months)
Water bill (not older than 3 months)
Telephone Landline Bill (not older than 3 months)
Property Tax Receipt (not older than 3 months)
Credit Card Statement (not older than 3 months)
Insurance Policy
Signed Letter having Photo from Bank on letterhead
Signed Letter having Photo issued by registered Company on letterhead
Signed Letter having Photo issued by Recognized Educational Instruction on letterhead
NREGS Job Card
Arms License
Pensioner Card
Freedom Fighter Card
Kissan Passbook
Certificate of Address having photo issued by MP or MLA or Group A Gazetted Officer on letterhead
Certificate of Address issued by Village Panchayat head or its equivalent authority (for rural areas)
Income Tax Assessment Order
Vehicle Registration Certificate
Registered Sale / Lease / Rent Agreement
Address Card having Photo issued by Department of Posts
Caste and Domicile Certificate having Photo issued by State Govt.
Proof of DoB (optional) : (any one from list below)
Birth Certificate
SSLC Book/Certificate
Certificate of Date of Birth issued by Group A Gazetted Officer on letterhead

Advantages after getting an Aadhaar Number / UID

The Aadhaar will become the single source of identity verification. Once residents enrol, they can use the number multiple times – they would be spared the hassle of repeatedly providing supporting identity documents each time they wish to access services such as obtaining a bank account, passport, driving license,andso on.
By providing a clear proof of identity, the Aadhaar will also facilitate entry for poor and underprivileged residents into the formal banking system, and the opportunity to avail services provided by the government and the private sector. The Aadhaar will also give migrants mobility of identity.
It will also provide governments with accurate data on residents, enable direct benefit programs, and allow government departments to coordinate investments and share information.
Source : http://www.iaadhaar.com/
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Android OS driven Tablet

aakash ubislate tablet, cheapest tablet netbook in the worldThe Release of Android OS driven Tablet for Rs.1700 (US$ 35) was among the top of widely spread media news this week.
This tablet net book is to be sold in India in the name "AAkash Ubislate". A Canadian based Company known Datawind Ltd., is the manufacturer. This company is run by two Indians; Suneet and Raja Tulli. This company is already a leading developer of wireless web access products and services.
Recently HRD minister Kapil Sibal released this tablet. It is announced by Government that it is going to provide subsidy for supply of this tablet to students. As a result for student this will cost around Rs.1700. The Govt. of India even distributed 500 free tablets to students from different parts of India who had come to attend the event.
It is announced by Datawind that retail price of this tablet will be around Rs.3000. At this price, AAkash Ubislate will be cheapest tablet ever released.


  • The tablet meant for retail sales which is to be sole at Rs.3000/- will have an inbuilt cellular modem and SIM to access internet. So, this device is mobile GPRS internet connection enabled. This feature will not be available in the subsidized devices which are to be distributed at the cost of Rs.1700.
  • The subsidized version will have only WiFi connectivity provision. This means we require a WiFi modem externally to connect to the internet.
  • Both versions of the tablet are equipped with a 7-inch touch screen and will run on Google's Android platform, with WiFi connectivity for internet access and cloud storage.
  • The tablets will have 256 MB of RAM and two USB ports. It has no hard disc. However, a slot for inserting 32 GB MicroSD card (expandable memory) is available.
  • So, the device at a retail price of Rs.3000/- has both GPRS and Wi-Fi connectivity and available with an affordable Internet plan of Rs.98 per 2GB. This version can also be used as a phone by inserting a SIM card and headphones.
  • Both of these devices will be able to download over 1,50,000 Android applications including Office Suite and can play HD quality video.